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Iran Read This And This - The American People Do Not Want A War On Iran!!! War On Yemen- TRUMP's GREATEST SUPPORTERS ARE DEAD SET AGAINST THIS ACTION I am surprised. It is amazing how quickly his core support did a back-flip, as I stated in my letter to the Iranian embassy "The American people do not want war on Iran" and I told them in that letter that this web site was the focal point that started it all 13 years ago. I Think I Just Found The Real Reason Why The United States Is Now Blowing Away Yemen http://www.voterig.com Iran Read This And This - The American People Do Not Want A War On Iran!!! Download archived files here: https://archive.org/details/iran-read-this-and-this-the-american-people-do-not-want-a-war-on-iran/Iran%20Read%20This%20And%20This%20-%20The%20American%20People%20Do%20Not%20Want%20A%20War%20On%20Iran%21%21%21/ PROBABLE CLASSIFIED INFO TO PREVENT A NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE IN IRAN Files Downloads
mencantan estos gringos sdw posteando sus weas sin contexto
>>204 Tienen serios problemas con pajeets al parecer.
Lo dice dalasito
Cuanta adolescencia en un solo texto, y eso que no soy padre ni crío nada.
in november vote red 🐘
share before too late
>>178 (OP)
DOMINION LEAKS.zip 4.5 GB Download A collection of thousands of Dominion emails documenting their massive voter fraud schemes during the 2020 Presidential Election. Chinese nationals were also involved with Dominion in subverting the 2020 Presidential Election. https://www.mediafire.com/file/owk8ze3hd8ydswj/DOMINION+LEAKS.zip/file https://archive.org/details/dominion-leaks
>>157 (OP) >>157 (OP) Perché solo jpeg? Perché non un formato ricercabile?
>>160 ¿Por qué solo JPEG? ¿Por qué no un formato de búsqueda? Lo siento, pensé que era una pizarra italiana.
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